5 ways to achieve happiness instantly


Happiness is one of the things in life that feels good and yet it is so hard to achieve as an adult. You may feel that once you have got what you wanted, the success, your dream job, the new car, the new house, the love of your life, a family, you’ll be happy. And yet even despite all this, you may still have your ups and downs and not feel quite as happy as you thought you would be.

Your state of happiness is determined by the positive emotions that flow through you. If you have more positive emotions, this will feed back to your brain and you’ll be happier. If you have more negative emotions, this will feed back to your brain making you less happier. Having negative emotions isn’t always bad – for example, it could warn you about a potentially dangerous situation and subconsciously force you to act in a way that protects you. Negative emotions are there for a reason. The key is to disengage those negative emotions as soon as possible once you have realised there is a problem and instead look for a solution.

However, for the majority of your time, you should be focusing on creating positive emotions to ensure that happy state of mind. Positive emotions can be achieved by simply thinking positive. This is a long process but it works.


Here are 5 ways which we have found instantly aid in creating and allowing for that positive state of mind.


1. Get outside

Go for a walk in the park and get some fresh air. If you are like most of us, you probably spend a lot of time indoors working on your computer, watching TV or browsing your ipad/phone. These activities may be essential as they are part of your job or for an informational purpose or keeping in touch. However, what we don’t realise is that sometimes these very things can make us brain dead. Getting some fresh air can revitalise both your mind and body and give both your eyes/brain that much needed rest. Our brains are constantly on overdrive with all the new technology – sometimes we don’t even realise that we are exhausted. Even if you go out for just 30 minutes, you’ll instantly notice a shift in your mood.



2. Meditate

There’s something about meditation. It has the ability to instantly shift your mood and emotions and make you see more clearly. Sometimes we tend to be unhappy because something is bothering us. Usually, we don’t even know what is bothering us. Meditating calms your mind. Your brain “takes a rest” when you meditate allowing for you to think and feel more clearly. You can usually pinpoint the cause for your unhappiness and believe us when we say, you can even find that solution that has been eluding you. As well as giving you that instant shift towards happiness, it also provides you with the answers you need for your future happiness.


3. Share with your friends and family

There may be something bothering you that is making you unhappy. Sometimes all you need is someone to listen. Schedule a meetup with a friend/family member whom you trust and you know you can talk to without being judged. Not only will you feel better once you have shared your worries with someone you trust, they may also be in a position to give you some advice that will actually solve the issue at hand. If you are not keen on sharing your problems with anyone, we still insist that spending time with friends and family will give you that much needed break and make you feel a lot better.



4. Hit the gym

Whatever the reason for your unhappiness is, exercise always makes things better. Exercise gets that adrenaline flowing and makes you feel like you are doing something productive. You could hit the gym or you could take up a sporting activity that you enjoy. Usually, when we are feeling unhappy, we have the tendency to hide indoors and procrastinate which only makes things worse. When you notice this happening, make sure you are very self-aware and just go do that activity that will make you feel a lot better. You’ll be glad you did.




5. Turn up the tunes

One of the things that always us cheers up instantly is music. If you love music, find your favourite tunes that you know are sure to get you into an upbeat mood. If you catch yourself singing, you know that it’s working 😉




We hope these 5 practical tips on how to instantly become happy worked. There are so many more tips which we’ll be adding as we go along. Lastly, we would like to leave you with one of our favourite quotes from The Lion King. “Hakuna Matata!!” 🙂