Which of the following Best Describes a Conditional Insurance Contract

To be enforceable, a contract must be concluded by the competent parties. In the case of an insurance contract, the contracting parties are the claimant and the insurer. The insurer shall be deemed competent if it has been approved or approved by the State or States in which it carries on business. Unless proven otherwise, the claimant is deemed competent with three exceptions: insurance contracts are unilateral. This means that only one party (the insurer) makes some sort of enforceable promise. Insurers promise to pay benefits if a certain event, such as death or disability, occurs. The applicant does not make such a promise. In fact, the applicant does not even promise to pay premiums. The insurer cannot require payment of premiums. Of course, the insurer has the right to terminate the contract if the premiums are not paid. The elements that have just been discussed must be included in each contract for it to be legally enforceable.

In addition, insurance contracts have distinctive features that distinguish them from many other legally binding agreements. Some of these features are unique to insurance contracts. Let`s review these distinctions. It is important to note that insurable interest can only exist at the time of application of a life and health insurance contract. It is not necessary to continue it for the duration of the policy and does not have to exist at the time of the claim. However, a compensation contract is one that pays an amount equal to the loss. Compensation contracts attempt to return the insured to his or her initial financial situation. Fire insurance and health insurance are examples of compensation contracts.

An insured who has a $50,000 fire insurance policy and suffers a loss of $5,000 due to a fire can raise up to $5,000, not $50,000. For investors considering leaving their pension funds to a beneficiary, it`s important to note that the U.S. Congress passed the SECURE Act in 2019, which made changes to the rules for pension plan beneficiaries. Starting in 2020, non-marital beneficiaries of retirement accounts must withdraw all funds from the inherited account within ten years of the owner`s death. In the past, beneficiaries could extend distributions – or withdrawals – over their lifetime. The new decision removes the stretching provision, which means that all funds, including pension contracts in the retirement account, must be withdrawn under the ten-year rule. 3- The insurance contract is a conditional contract: A condition is a provision of a contract that restricts the rights provided for in the contract. (3). To be legally enforceable, a contract must be concluded with a specific and unrestricted proposal (offer) of one party and the acceptance of its exact terms by the other party. In many cases, the offer of an insurance contract is submitted by the applicant when the application is submitted with the initial premium. The insurance company accepts the offer if it issues the policy as requested.

If an offer is answered by a counter-offer, the first offer is not valid. Which of the following best describes a conditional insurance contract? A contract that requires certain conditions or concerns the insured person(10). Question 13: Insurable interest does NOT occur in which of the following relationships? The conditions must not depend on the state of health of the insured. Instead, most of the conditions set out in an insurance contract refer to the age of the insured or (18 years). A contract in which the insured or insurer only has to do certain things if certain conditions occur. (2). Most insurance policies are unilateral contracts, as only the insurer makes a legally enforceable promise to pay covered claims. On the other hand, the insured person (8). Guess by medical information the requests for conditional receipt the health insurance contract is kept for coverage.

Received for life for medical purposes (26). Question 14: The power conferred on an individual producer, which is not expressly referred to in his contract, is considered to be what type of authority? An insurance contract is either a contract of value or a contract of compensation. An evaluated contract pays a declared amount, regardless of the actual loss suffered. Life insurance contracts are valued contracts. If a person takes out a life insurance policy that insures their life for $500,000, that is the amount to be paid at death. There is no attempt to assess the actual financial loss upon a person`s death. by N Baer · 2013 – important to me, even if it`s insurance reports. 1. Baer: Treaties: Setting a conditional precedent: evaluation as a condition. (24). Conditional payment clause – a part of a contract, e.B. a construction contract that requires payment for another event.

(9). Repo contracts can be very useful for investors, but they can also be extremely complex. There are different types of annuities, each with its own rules that include how and when payments are structured, fee schedules and redemption fees – if the money is withdrawn too soon. .

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