Halloween outfit ideas for the guy who’s left it too late!


Yup, it’s that time of the year when you finally realise it’s Halloween. Yes everyone’s been talking about it but suddenly it hits you – you haven’t prepared for that halloween party you have to go to! Not to worry, we have 5 inspirational ideas that should make you look spooky (sort of) and classy at the same time! 😉


1/ American Psycho

This look is super easy, all you need is a double breasted black pinstripe suit (preferably Armani), see through anorak, business cards, slick back hair and optional items – head phones, fake blood and axe (totally optionally).




2/ The Godfather

Get out your dark three piece suit and re-invent the mafia look. The Godfather look needs you to have a look that says, I have arrived. (Dressing up as the Godfather could quite possibly be every man’s dream – here’s your chance!)  Slick the hair back and make sure you have a steely, deadpan, no nonsense look in your eyes.  The ring should be worn on the pinkie finger, for those who wish to pay their respect!




3/ The Reservoir dogs

Well, this is a more “thrillerish” than spooky look but hey, it is probably too late to be going all out! A Classic black single-breasted suit, white shirt and skinny black tie, dark wayfarer shades and polished black shoes make for the perfect look. You better watch this movie today if you haven’t already seen it so that you could use a line or two from the script to convince your friends you are definitely scary.




4/ Pulp Fiction

The look is similar to that of The Reservoir Dogs but here you need to keep randomly dropping bible quotes into the conversation.  The ability to carry off a dance off twist if need be is essential. You have 8 hours to practise.




5/ Great Gatsby

This is a slick look – cream linen suit, non-matching vest, smart shirt, high-shine hair pomade, silk tie, matching shoes and a lacquered cane. Plus a champagne coupe to lift at someone you’re checking out across the room would be quite handy!




All these looks are super – easy to put together at such short notice and will make you look like a spooky gent. Actually, there’s something appealing about a bad gentleman. 😉

Have a Happy Halloween!